Sunday, November 21, 2010

Astronomers find giant extragalactic planet

Astronomers have for the first time spotted a planet that originated outside the galaxy.
Till date, about 500 planets have been discovered. This is the first known planet to have been born elsewhere.
The gas planet, at least 25 percent heavier than Jupiter or 400 times heavier than Earth, orbits a star that started life in a dwarf galaxy, according to the journal Science Express.
Known as HIP 13044b, the hydrogen and helium planet sits in a solar system belonging to a group of stars called the Helmi stream, some 2,000 light years away from Earth, the Telegraph reports.
Between six and nine billion years ago, the Helmi merged with the Milky Way in an act of 'galactic cannibalism'. It is now in a southern constellation of the Milky Way called the Fornax or Furnace.
Because of the vast distance, astronomers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in La Silla, Chile, could not detect the planet visibly, using the 2.2 metre-diameter telescope.
Instead, they inferred its existence from tiny telltale wobbles of the star.
These are caused by the gravitational tug of its large orbiting companion, which the astronomers detected with a high-resolution spectrograph attached to the telescope.
Rainer Klemen, of the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, said: 'This discovery is very exciting. For the first time, astronomers have detected a planetary system in a stellar stream of extragalactic origin.'
The planet is orbiting a star which is approaching the end of its life, having exhausted its hydrogen fuel and gone through a stage of massive expansion - called the red giant phase - in which it probably consumed the inner planets in its solar system.
It has now contracted again and is burning helium in its core.

Climate Change And Disease Will Spark New Food Crisis, Says UN

A food crisis could overtake the world in 2011, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, an agency of the United Nations.
Climate change, speculation, competing uses such as biofuels and soaring demand from emerging markets in East Asia are the factors that will push global food prices sharply higher next year, claims the FAO.
The FAO warns the world to "be prepared" for more price hikes and volatility if production and stocks do not respond. Price hikes of 41 per cent in wheat, 47 per cent in maize and a third in sugar are foreseen by the FAO. The last time that happened it sparked riots from Mexico to Indonesia.
In its latest Food Outlook the FAO says that the prices of many staple crops will rise by up to half next year, with many returning to the peaks seen during the food crisis of 2008, or even exceeding them in some cases. Apart from driving inflation higher in Britain and the rest of the Western world, another bout of food price hyperinflation has grim implications for the poorest people on the planet, even now hardly able to afford to feed themselves.
The FAO's broad global index of food prices has risen to 197.1 points, up about 5 per cent on the previous month alone, and already beyond the levels seen in the initial stages of the prices spikes in 2007 to 2008.
The report states: "Following a series of unexpected downward revisions to crop forecasts in several major producing countries, world prices have risen alarmingly and at a much faster pace than in 2007-08.
"For major cereals, production must expand substantially to meet utilisation and to reconstitute world reserves and farmers are likely to respond to the prevailing strong prices by expanding plantings."
The main obstacle identified by the FAO standing in the path of such an expansion in food production is the potentially more lucrative use of crops for biofuels and non-grain or non-food crops such as sugar, cotton and soya; "Against this backdrop, consumers may have little choice but to pay higher prices for their food. With the pressure on world prices of most commodities not abating, the international community must remain vigilant against further supply shocks in 2011 and be prepared."
Environmentalists will be especially concerned that the FAO explicitly acknowledges climate change as a factor in jeopardising food supplies. The FAO say that "adverse weather effects are undoubtedly a primary driver of wheat production shortfalls and, with climate change, may increasingly be so". If that does indeed prove to be the case then food prices seem set for a rise to levels unprecedented in modern times.
Wheat rust, a long-term problem for cereals farmers, has become an even more intractable enemy. It can have devastating effects. The last major set of epidemics in North America during the 1950s resulted in more than 40 per cent of the wheat crop being lost. A "new virulent form", designated as Race Ug99 has been spreading from East Africa, and is "migrating and mutating rapidly". "Most global commercial wheat cultivars are susceptible to Ug99" say the FAO, and "in addition, new, highly aggressive races of stripe rust are devastating wheat crops in several regions".
Recognising the role that speculators can play in pushing prices and volatility higher in crops not covered by restrictions on their activities, the Fao's chief grains economist Abdolreza Abbassian, said: "There is no doubt speculative activities have brought into the market a great deal of volatility." But he added there was "no proof" that speculators have driven up prices to near record levels.

Faculty Toppers from M.M. Hall were awarded cash prize

Faculty Toppers from M.M. Hall were awarded a cash

prize of Rs. 2500/­each, a memento and a certificate of excellence. Dr. S.

Hasan Tahir, Scientist, California, USA, an alumnus of Chemistry department

sponsored the award and was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The awardees

were – Mr. Md. Saddam Husain Ansari, B.Tech., Mr. Wasiullah, BA, Mr. Md.

Mawoon Khan, MCA, and Mr. Peerzada Raouf Ahmad, BA (Final).

Dr. Tahir urged the faculty toppers to go for even greater heights in future

and continue to work hard. They must always think high.

Prof. Abdul Aleem, Department of Hindi also attended the programme as Guest

of Honour and gave away certificates.

Dr. Suhail Sabir, Provost of the Hall welcomed the Chief Guest and thanked

Dr. Tahir for generously awarding the residents of M.M. Hall, consecutively

for the last two years. Mr. Gufran Ahmad, Warden Incharge, Career

Counseling Cell, thanked everyone present on this occasion. Dr. Ikram Javed,

Dr. Mohd. Younus Ali Khan, Er. M. Rizwanur Rehman Khan, Dr. M. Shamim, all

wardens and a large number of students attended the programme. Programme was

conducted ­by Mr. Sabahuddin, Joint Secretary, Literary Society of the Hall.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Vacancies in AMU : Regional Campuses

                           ALIGARH   (U.P.)            
                      Advertisement No. 3  / 2010     
                          Dated : 01.11.2010

     Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following 
post by 15.12.2010. 
     The  number  and  nature of the posts may vary  at  the  time  of 
interview.  Higher  initial  start  may be  given  to  the  candidates 
possessing  exceptional  qualifications  and  experience.  It  is  not 
obligatory  on the part of the University to call for interview  every 
candidate   who   possesses  the  essential  qualifications   and   no 
representation in this regard will be entertained from any candidate. 

      The appointment will be made on contractual  / deputation basis. 
Candidates are required to fill up the separate appllication form  for 
each post / Centre.

      Professor  /  Director : Scale/PB Rs. 37400-67000  AGP  Rs.10000  
      Plus Allowances
      Associate  Professor  : Scale/PB Rs. 37400-67000 AGP    Rs. 9000 
      Plus Allowances
      Assistant  Professor  : Scale/PB Rs. 15600-39100  AGP   Rs. 6000  
      Plus Allowances 

  1. Director,  for the Centre of Malappuram (1 Post)
  2. Director,  for the Centre of Murshidabad  (1 Post)


      (i) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification in the concerned 
      /  allied  /  relevant discipline and  published  work  of  high 
      quality,   actively  engaged  in  research  with  evidence    of 
      published  work  with  a minimum of 10  publications   as  books 
      and/or research / policy papers in indexed / ISBN/ ISSN numbered 
      Journals  and/or books and the University   developed  ISBN/ISSN 
      numbered  books  and  list of journals /  books  hosted  in  the 
      website of the concerned University.
      (ii) A minimum  of 10 years of teaching experience in University 
      /  College, and/or experience in research  at the  University  / 
      National  Level institutions / industries, including  experience 
      of  guiding candidates  for research at Doctoral level;
      (iii)  Contribution  to educational innovation,  design  of  new 
      curricula and courses, and technology- mediated teaching learing 
      (iv) A minimum score as stipulated in the  Academic  Performance 
      Indicator  (API)  based on Performance  Based  Appraisal  System 
      (PBAS) developed by UGC  in these regulations.


      An Outstanding  professional with established reputation in  the 
      relevant   field  who  has  made  significant  contribution   to 

      Desirable :

      The candidates are expected to have considerable experience in :

      a)   Designing  of  Agenda and drafting of the  minutes  of  the 
      various University authorities  and   Handling legal matters  of 
      the Centre.
      b)  Exercising close and effective supervision,  monitoring  and 
      implementation of policy decisions.

      Candidates are also expected to have knowledge of modern methods 
      of management and their application in an Institution of  higher 
      education and research.

 03.  Professor   of  Business  Administration,  for  the  Centre   of 
      Malappuram (1 Post)  
 04.  Professor   of  Business  Administration,  for  the  Centre   of 
      Murshidabad (1 Post)  


      1. Consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks  in 
      Master's  Degree in Business Management / Administration / in  a 
      relevant discipline or consistently good academic record with at 
      least  55%  marks in two year full time / three  year  part-time 
      PGDM declared equivalent and recognized by AICTE / UGC


      First  Class  graduate  and  professionally  qualified   Charted 
      Accountant  / Cost and works Accountant / Company  Secretary  of 
      the concerned statutory body.

      2.  Ph.D.  or fellow of IIM OR of an Institute  recognized  by 

      3.  (i)  A  minimum of 10 years'  experience  of  post  graduate 
      teaching  /  industry / research / professional out of  which  3 
      years  must  be at the level of  Reader/Associate  Professor  or 
      equivalent excluding the period spent for obtaining the research 


      (ii)  Contribution  to  educational innovation,  design  of  new 
      curricula  and  courses,  and  technology  -  mediated  teaching 
      learning process.

      (iii) A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic  Performance 
      Indicator  (API)  based on Performance  Based  appraisal  System 
      (PBAS) developed by UGC in these Regulations.


      1. Consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks  in 
      Master's  Degree in Business Management / Administration / in  a 
      relevant  management  related discipline  or  consistently  good 
      academic record with at least 55% marks in two years full time / 
      three year part-time PGDM declared equivalent and recognized  by 
      AICTE / UGC.


      First  Class  graduate  and  professionally  qualified   Charted 
      Accountant  / Cost and works Accountant / Company  Secretary  of 
      the concerned statutory body.

      2. The candidate should have professional work experience  which 
      is significant and can be recognized at national / International 
      level as equivalent to Ph.D. and 15 years' managerial experience 
      in industry / profession of which at least 8 years should be  at 
      least at level comparable to that of Reader.

      3 Teaching, Teaching, research industrial and / or  professional 
      experience in a reputed organization;

      4.  Published  work, such as research papers,  patents  filed  / 
      obtained, books and / or technical reports;

      5. experience of guiding the project work / dissertation of PG / 
      Research students or supervising R&D project in industry;

      6. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing  academic, 
      research, industrial and / or professional activities;

      7.  Capacity to undertake / lead sponsored R&D  consultancy  and 
      related activities;

      8.  A  minimum score as stipulated in the  Academic  Performance 
      Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System  (PBAS) 
      devloped by UGC in these Regulations.

 05.  Associate Professor of Law, for the Centre of Malappuram  (1 Post) 
 06.  Associate Professor of Law, for the Centre of Murshidabad (1 Post) 


      i)   Good   Academic  Record  with  a  Ph.D.   degree   in   the 
      concerned/allied/relevant disciplines.

      ii)  55%  of  the marks, or equivalent  grade  wherever  grading 
      system is followed at the Master's degree level.

      iii) A minimum of five years of experience of teaching and /  or 
      research in an academic/research position equivalent to that  of 
      Assistant  Professor  in  a  University/College  or   Accredited 
      Research  Institution/industry  excluding  the  period  of  Ph.D 
      research  with  evidence of published work and a minimum  of  5 
      publications   as  books  and  /or  research/policy  papers   in 
      indexed/ISBN/ISSN   numbered   books/journals   and   University 
      developed  -ISBN/ISSN list of journals hosted in the website  of 
      the concerned University.

      iv)  Contrubution  to  educational  innovation,  design  of  new 
      curricula  and  courses,  and  technology  -  mediated  teaching 
      learning   process  with  evidence  of  havin  guided   doctoral 
      candidates and research students.

      v)  A  minimum score as stipulated in the  Academic  Performance 
      Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal system  (PBAS) 
      developed by UGC in these Regulations.

  07.  Assistant Professor in Law  for the Centre of Malappuram (1 Post)
  08.  Assistant Professor in Law  for the Centre of Murshidabad (1 Post)
  09.  Assistant  Professor  in  Law ( Economics)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Malappuram (1 Post)
  10.  Assistant  Professor  in  Law ( Economics)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Murshidabad (1 Post)
  11.  Assistant  Professor in Law ( Political Science) for the  Centre 
       of Malappuram (1 Post)
  12.  Assistant  Professor in Law ( Political Science) for the  Centre 
       of Murshidabad (1 Post)
  13.  Assistant  Professor  in  Law ( Sociology)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Malappuram (1 Post)
 14.   Assistant  Professor  in  Law ( Sociology)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Murshidabad (1 Post)
 15.   Assistant  Professor  in  Law  (  History)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Malappuram (1 Post)
 16.   Assistant  Professor  in  Law  (  History)  for  the  Centre  of 
       Murshidabad (1 Post)
 17.   Assistant  Professor  in  Law  ( English),  for  the  Centre  of 
       Malappuram (1 Post)
 18.   Assistant  Professor  in  Law  ( English),  for  the  Centre  of 
       Murshidabad (1 Post)


      i)  Good academic record as defined by the concerned  university 
      with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade where grading 
      system  is practiced at the Master's degree level in a  relevant 
      subject form an Indian University, or an equivalent degree  from 
      an accredited foreign university.

      ii)  Besides fulfilling the above qualification,  the  candidate 
      should   have  cleared  the  National  Eligibility  Test   (NET) 
      conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC 
      like SLET/SET.

      iii)  Holders of Ph.D. degree as on the date of Notification  of 
      these Regulations, along with those candidates who are awarded a 
      Ph.D.  Degree  through a Process  of  admission,  registratioin, 
      course  work  and external evaluation as laid down  in  the  UGC 
      (Minimum  Standard  and  procedures  for  award  of  M.Phil/Ph.D 
      Degree),  Regulation,  2009 and so adopted  by  the  university, 
      shall be exempted from NET/SLET/SET.

 19.  Assistant Professors in Business Administration  for the  Centre 
      of Malappuram (3 Post)
 20.  Assistant Professors in Business Administration  for the  Centre 
      of Murshidabad (3 Post)


      A    Masters    Degree    with    55%    marks    in    Business 
      Management/Administration/in  a  relevant  management   related 
      discipline  or  first class in two year full time /  three  year 
      part-time PGDM declared equivalent and accredited by AICTE / UGC


      First  Class  graduate  and  professionally  qualified   Charted 
      Accountant/ Cost and works Accountant / Company Secretary of the 
      concerned statutory bodies.

      A  minimum  score  as stipulated  in  the  Academic  Performance 
      Indicator  (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System  (PBAS) 
      developed by UGC in these Regulations.

      1.   A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50%  of  the 
      marks  at the Master's/Graduate level for  the  SC/ST/Physically 
      and visually handicapped candidates.

      2.  A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to  50%  of  the 
      marks to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master's 
      degree prior to 19th September, 1991.

      3.  Relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55%  where 
      the  grading system is followed by recognised  University  shall 
      also be considered eligible

 21.  Assistant  Registrar  (Admin, Admission, Examination),  for  the 
      Centre of Malappuram (1 Post)

 22.  Assistant  Registrar (Admin., Admission, Examination),  for  the 
      Centre of Murshidabad (1 Post)

      Scale/PB Rs. 15600-39100 GP Rs.5400  plus allowances  


      1. A  Post-graduate  degree  with  at least  55%  marks  or  its 
         equivalent grade. 
      2. Five  years  administrative  experience  as  Section  Officer 
         (Admin) or   in   an   equivalent   post   in   an    academic 
         Institution/Government       Office/Public       undertaking/ 
         Multinational Corporation / Private reputed Companies.

      Desirable:  Sufficient experience of Development of Packages  on 

 23.  Assistant Finance Officer, for the Centre of Malappuram( 1 Post)  
 24.  Assistant Finance Officer, for the Centre of Murshidabad (1 Post)  

      Scale/PB Rs. 15600-39100 GP Rs. 5400  plus allowances  


      1.  A  Post-graduate degree with at least 55% marks or  its 
          equivalent grade. 

      2.  Five years administrative experience as Section Officer 
          (Accounts)  or  in an equivalent post in  any  academic 
          Institution/  Government Office / Public undertaking  / 
          Multinational Corporation/Private reputed Companies.


         Chartered   Accountancy  with  03  years  experience   in 
         Financing & Accountancy

      DESIRABLE: Sufficient experience of Development of Packages 
                 on RDBMS viz. SYBASE, ORACLE 8/ POWER BUILDER.

 25.  Section Officer  (Admin, Admission, Examination) for the  Centre 
      of Malappuram (1 Post)
 26.  Section Officer  (Admin, Admission, Examination) for the  Centre 
      of Murshidabad (1 Post)

      Scale/PB Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4600  plus allowances  


      1. Bachelor's degree from a recognised University

      2. Five  years  experience  of  Office  administration  in   the 
         capacity of Assistant (Admin) or equivalent in a  University/ 
         Academic Institution /Central Government /State Government  / 
         Govt undertaking.

      3. Knowledge of Computer Specially MS OFFICE.

 27.  Semi  Professional  Assistant, for the Centre of  Malappuram (1 Post)    
 28.  Semi  Professional  Assistant, for the Centre of  Murshidabad  (1 Post)    

      Scale/PB Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800 plus allowances 


        M.A./M.Sc/ M.Com. with B.Lib. Science OR  one year Diploma  in 
        Library Science .


        B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.  with  B.Lib.  Science  or  one  year   Post 
        Graduate Diploma in Library Science 
        Ability   to   prepare   Catalogue   cards   in   English/Urdu 

 29   Assistant, for the Centre of Malappuram (1 Post)
 30   Assistant, for the Centre of Murshidabad (1 Post)

      Scale/PB Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200 Plus Allowances 


      1. Bachelor's degree from a recognised University.

      2.  Three  years  experience in the capacity of  Upper  Division 
          Clerk  or equivalent in a University/ Academic  Institution/ 
          Central    Government/    State    Government/    Government 

      3. Knowledge  of Computer specially MS OFFICE, Excel  Accounting 


         The Employment Form to the above posts may be downloaded from 
         the following website.  


      Persons downloading the Form from the Net are required to send a 
      Cash  receipt issued by the Cash Section, Finance  Office,  AMU, 
      Aligarh or Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable to Finance Officer, 

      AMU,  Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch, Aligarh  (code 
      5555) alongwith the duly filled employment  form complete in all 
      respect. Complete application form procured in the above  manner 
      may  either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter  of 
      Administrative  Block or sent by post, superscribing on the  top 
      left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement number and 
      date,  to the Deputy Registrar, (Selection  Committee),  Aligarh 
      Muslim  University,  Aligarh-202002,  so  as  to  reach  him  by  

      IMPORTANT  NOTE  :  1. Applications  received  late  or  without 
      necessary supporting documents, Degree/Certificates/  Marksheets 
      and   experience  certificate not attested by the  Head  of  the 
      Department / Institution / Gazetted Officer  or not  accompanied 
      by full prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily.

      2.  A  relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50%  of  the 
      marks  at the Master's / Graduate level  under the term of  good 
      academic  record  for  the  SC/ST  /  Physically  and   visually 
      handicapped candidates.

      3.  The eligibility of candidates will be determined as  on  the 
      last date of submission of employment forms.

                                   ( Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel ) 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dawood, Osama on Forbes' most powerful list

Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden are among the most powerful people in the world, according to Forbes magazine.
Putting Ibrahim on 63rd place, Forbes said 'Ibrahim, a prime suspect in 1993 Mumbai blasts, is now India's most wanted man and is the boss of Mumbai-based 5,000-member organised crime syndicate D-Company'.
'The US declares him a global terrorist. US government says he shares smuggling routes with Al Qaeda and has collaborated with both Al Qaeda and its South Asian affiliate, Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out November 2008 Mumbai attacks, possibly with Ibrahim's help,' the magazine said on its website.
About bin Laden, who is ranked 57th, Forbes said: 'Despite infrequent communications, persistent rumours of his death, symbolic power undiminished: Impressionable youths continue to self-detonate in his name.'
According to the magazine, the list comprises 'the 68 who matter' of the 6.8 billion people on the planet.

3G launched in city but miseries for landline users continue

Even as the state-owned BSNL launched 3G services, a latest in cellular technology, in the city on Saturday, miseries continue to pile up for its landline subscribers. They're not only getting inflated bills and but also pathetic responses from the company officials. 

The furious customers seem to be in a mood for war against BSNL whose officials seem to be dozing. TOI on Saturday reported about how some customers were shocked to receive combined bill of three months even after regular payments and how a lawyer Sharad Verma is contemplating to file a PIL. 

Arvind Meshram had to close down his telephone booth due to the pathetic service. "My livelihood depended on that booth," he said. "I was incurring huge losses because proper technical support was not provided. The billing was really erratic. BSNL didn't give a detailed bill when requested for. But what was more surprising was that in spite of severing connection, BSNL continued to send the bills." 

Dr Sandeep Mahajan also received an inflated bill. "Every month I used to get a bill of around Rs 500, but this time it was an unimaginable Rs 6,000," he said. "I was surprised to see the bill. When I went to the post office they told me to pay the complete amount. I went to the main office to complain and I saw a huge crowd there waiting to do the same. I demanded for a detailed bill but the official refused to do so and behaved arrogantly. I went to a higher official to complain and he told me that the problem was from Pune and he was helpless." 

"Why should we suffer unnecessarily for the glitches these people make? I've no other way than to a shift to private operators who offers far better services," he lamented. 

A travel agent Milind Deshkar was surprised to get his bill inflated four times over the usual amount. "I use the Internet and landline phone services. But this month they charged me around Rs 10,000 in their bill. Normally I get a bill of around Rs. 2,200. On enquiry, the officials said that my Internet use was more this month. They didn't give me any other details. I had no choice but to pay the bill," he said. 

The BSNL office is being tactful when the issue was put to them. Some even said that they were busy with the launching of the 3G service so they weren't able to pay attention to the billing. Similar problems were reported in Nashik and Pune as well. "The customers can go to the accounts department at our CTO office and sort it out," said an official on anonymity.

Monday, November 1, 2010

HRD Minister and VC discussed Al-Qaeda on AMU campus in 2007

In 2007 the issue of the presence of “Al-Qaeda/terrorist” elements in Aligarh Muslim University was discussed between Arjun Singh, the then HRD minister and AMU Vice Chancellor P. K. Abdul Azis.
This is one of the many shocking revelations made by the documents the AMU administration provided Md. Chaman, a former AMU Court member, in response to his RTI query about the security set up in the central university. has access to the RTI reply.

AMU VC adressing AMU Court Meeting in July this year[TCN Photo]
The 83-page RTI document gives one an impression that AMU is very much on the radar of the Intelligence Bureau and other security agencies of the country, disturbingly not for good reasons.
What adds fuel to the perception of alleged “terrorist/Al Qaida link” to the AMU is the 2007 report of Raghubir Lal, the then Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Aligarh about the coming of students from areas which are ‘notorious’ for their “separatist and terrorist” inclinations like Tamil Nadu, Kashmir in India and Palestine and other countries.
In keeping with the perception of ‘terror’ links in the University, the SSP report also recommended that IB should make a special unit just for AMU.
Ironically the very university, which the SSP had demonized in his report, passed the same report, providing legitimacy to the “baseless” perceptions and the disturbing stereotypes which it created about its Muslim students.
One of the important questions to be asked at this stage is: Now that these recommendations have been passed by the executive council of the University, should we expect a separate IB unit for AMU or does it already exist?
According to this RTI information about the ‘security Setup’ of AMU, the issue of “Al Qaeda/terrorist” elements in AMU came up in a meeting convened by the then Union HRD minister Arjun Singh on 29th of October 2007 at 17, Akbar Road which is the official residence of Arjun Singh in New Delhi.
The meeting was organized to discuss the ‘situation of emergency’ in the context of the ‘incidences of violence and arson after the murder of one student on 16th September 2007, which led to the closure of the university.
The participants of the meeting including Arjun Singh expressed concern and asked the issue of “terrorists” to be investigated in depth.
“The chances of terrorist/Al Qaida link on the incidence of violence need to be examined in depth,” says the minutes of the meeting according to the RTI report.
AMU visit by Pakistani journalist
Importantly, to give the whole issue of ‘terror elements’ in AMU a bit more solid basis, the meeting also discussed visit of a Pakistani journalist to the campus and asked the details about his meeting in the university.
“The visit of the Pakistani journalist and his meeting in the university be reported in details,” says the minutes of the meeting procured through the RTI.
This meeting was also attended by among others vice chancellor of AMU PK Abdul Azis, R.P. Agarwal, Secretary, Ministry of HRD (Higher Education), Sunil Kumar, Joint Secretary of MHRD and Mr. Goel, personal secretary of the minister.
No basis to ‘Al-Qaeda/terror’ links made several attempts to contact the VC of AMU Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis to confirm this revelation and also to get his perspective on this issue but he was not picking up the phone.
Then TCN talked to Rahat Abrar, the Public Relation Officer, AMU and asked him about the alleged terror links in the University, he said he doesn’t know about anything like this.
A section of students and faculty of AMU TCN talked to outright reject the theory of “Al-Qaeda/terrorist” presence in the campus.
Many ask: Why didn’t the VC, who was very much present in that meeting, protested against any such idea?
The fact that the VC of AMU didn’t ever protest on the report of police officer and views of the minister has led to a perception held by the large section of students and faculty: The VC has ‘surrendered’ the campus to the IB and other security agencies that are keeping a close watch over the campus because of its alleged extremist/terrorist/Al Qaeda links.
Many students and faculty members told TCN that AMU has been turned into a fortress by its present administration.
“You will find police chowkis (posts) all across the campus,” said Irfan Khan.
“What kind of campus is it where policemen are roaming across the campus very freely and a normal ordinary student is not free on the campus,” added Mr. Khan
Expressing his concerns, he further added that now it will be quite easy for the IB to put surveillance over the entire campus.”
“What is noticeable is the conspicuous absence of any protest on behalf of the vice chancellor P. K. Abdul Azis against the idea of AMU having ‘Al Qaeda/terror’ link,” said Md. Adil, a former Mass Communication student who was rusticated by Mr. Aziz’s administration because he used internet as a way to raise his voice against AMU administration.
Md. Adil also pointed towards the CCTV cameras fixed across the campus after the violence of September last year.
“Who do you think are going to be benefited if not IB, security agencies and the VC himself?” asked Md. Adil.
Irfan Khan is a research scholar in Mass Communication, AMU who has been suspended thrice in a single academic year because of his voice against “corrupt and unconstitutional” practices of the VC.
This two time Gold Medalist pointed towards another meeting attended by Intelligence Bureau officials, Director General UP Police, DG (CISF), and the VC to ‘assess the law and order situation’ in the campus.
Students like Md. Adil and Irfan Khan and a section of teachers believe that using terror angle and allowing the IB surveillance over the campus might be disastrous for the academic reputation of the university and also that of the future of thousands of students.
It becomes very disturbing precedent particularly when thousands of Muslim youths are tortured on the name of terror, a faculty member told TCN on the promise of anonymity
He further said that terror angle was just being used to keep a check on AMU which the government and IB consider a “time bomb” because of the cluster of Muslim students in the university.
“There is no basis to claim that there was a terror element or Al Qaeda element behind the violence erupted on the night of September 16th 2007,” said Mr. Khan.
More importantly, even in this 83-page RTI answer, no evidence has been presented to substantiate the claims of “Al Qaeda/Terrorist” links in the campus which was discussed in the meetings of HRD minister and the VC besides several other officials.
Irfan Khan pointed towards huge sense of panic created by AMU VC post the violence on the night of 16th September.
Many argue that although there was violence and the large scale hooliganism on the campus but the way the VC raised entire bureaucratic order in the Home Ministry and the ministry of HRD saying that he needs force to control the university was probably “exaggerated” response.
The VC P. K. Azis took many measures which to many appeared rather “over reaction.”
For instance the VC proposed hiring a Chief Security Advisor. He also wanted internal vigilance cell under his direct supervision. He asked for several task forces in the Campus besides complete overhauling of the security set up of the campus.
Now the question which several critics of the VC including many faculty ask is: As per the VC himself the situation was back to “normal” as he had mentioned in his letters to the home Ministry and ministry of HRD, then why was there the need to bring in extra security measures?
Another important question asked is: What was the need for such large scale forces in the context of peaceful and normal situation?
Md. Adil and Irfan Khan besides some faculty pointed out that, that was the attempt by the VC to create fear psychosis in the mind of ordinary students.
Disturbing aspect of the SSP report
The report by Raghubir Lal, the then SSP, on the security set up in AMU recommended many controversial proposals and came up with rather highly objectionable ideas. For instance the report talks about J&K and Tamil Nadu as “areas where there are active separatist/terrorists organizations and students from these regions also come to this campus.”
Without substantiating its argument it further says: “therefore we cannot deny the arrival of these elements in the form of students or taking shelters.”
It also talks about Bangladesh, Palestine, and African countries and says that they need to be watched over.
The report recommends deployment of 12 platoons of PAC and 4 magistrates in the event of student agitation (chhatra andolan). Now the problematic aspect is that once VC makes the request and DM orders PAC then AMU has no control over them.
The report lists various incidents that can happen on campus and all are showing students or employees as threat. Interestingly the report also mentions “terror” threat but refers to its possibility as ‘negligible’.
Panicked VC
RTI document consisting of various letters and minutes of the meetings reveal a panicked AMU vice chancellor who seemed unsure of himself to take action and more concerned about his life.
In the night of September 16, 2007 soon after the murder of student Mazhare Naeem, in VC’s own words one student “began to talk in an emotionally surcharged manner.” Students’ Union president and general secretary got into the argument which prompted the police to escort him and house him at a government guest house.
Few hours later students vandalized VC lodge on campus. Prof. Abdul Azis promptly shut down the university sine die and students were ordered to vacate hostels and return home. VC did not return back to this official residence until September 18th when most of the students had left the campus.
On September 25, 2007 Prof. Abdul Azis writes to R. P. Agarwal, Secretary of Ministry of Human Resource Development asking for central forces deployment at the campus. He also asked to provide “special armed security cover to the Vice-Chancellor at his residence and office as there is threat to his life.”
But just five days prior to that, letter dated September 20, 2007, the VC writing to Madhukar Gupta, Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs informs him that “the University is calm.” What could have happened in five days, when most students had already left, that prompted the VC to feel that situation is so bad that he needs additional armed forces and feels that there is a threat to his life? Only Prof. Abdul Azis can answer. But his handling of the situation can encourage one to question about his ability to lead this central university in the time of emergency? Let’s just hope that this situation does not recur.

Govt plans one card for travel across India

Soon you may be able to travel across the country carrying just a swipe card that can be used for all modes of transport. If plans by the Union Urban Development Ministry are successful, the common transport card, or 'Common Mobility Card'/ 'India Mobility Card', will be a reality by next year.
"These cards will function essentially as e-purses. What this means is that the money will be on the card — these can be swiped and the value would be automatically deducted," a senior Ministry official said. This would hence obviate the need to buy tickets.
These cards would cover all forms of transport, including buses, trains, metros, ferries, taxis and even autorickshaws. The only sector that the ministry has not included in its India Mobility Card project is air travel.
While the cards will be introduced in chosen cities across various states to begin with, officials say that the goal is to have a single ticketing system tying the country. Work on the concept began a year ago.
Apart from cards, the ministry is planning to give people the option of electronic chips, which they can buy and install in their mobile phones. "The money will then be deducted directly from the mobile phone, and anyone can recharge the amount as simply as they would do for cellular services," said the official.
Delhi, Bangalore, Jaipur, Bhopal, Indore and Mumbai have already been chosen for the launch. "We are in the process of talking to the state governments to figure out how this can be done," the official said.
A similar ticketing system is already in place in many cities across the world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Seattle, San Francisco, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Rome.
Earlier this year, the Ministry engaged UTITSL, a fully owned PSU of the Ministry of Finance, to work on the concept of the Common Mobility Cards as well as the Automatic Fare Collection system, which is to be linked to the card system. UTITSL is a government agency and a non-banking financial institution under the Reserve Bank of India.
The concept note prepared by UTITSL noted that one of the major bottlenecks in making the use of public transport popular was the lack of seamless connectivity, particularly ticket integration. Single ticketing, it is hoped, would help change that.
The ministry plans to extend the use of the card further to payment of tax on national highways, and even finally for utility payments, car parking, and shopping. "In Hong Kong, for instance, you can use the card for buying doughnuts," the official said.
Obviously, the first step towards implementing the project would be installation of card reading validators on vehicles, railway platforms, bus depots etc.
The difference between a bank card system like Mastercard and Visa and the proposed Common Mobility Card, say officials, is that in this case, the cards would carry value on their chip and provide payment authorisation directly, rather than through a central office.
The Ministry will soon hold a nationwide competition on the design of the cards, their logo and their final name.